Plastic pollutes the Earth, chokes our Oceans, and kills Marine Life
Plastic pollution is becoming a serious problem. After only being introduced in the 1950s, plastic has already taken over the planet.
Most of us can't get through a day of life without touching or coming into contact with some kind of plastic... But is it all really necessary?
Of course, many of us need cell phones and computers, but do we really need to grab that single-use plastic cup, top and straw from the drive-thru every day?
We can't all do everything, but we can all do something... There are many simple choices we can make every day to reduce our impact on the planet.
Plastic Pollution in Antarctica 5 Times Worse Than Expected
Cosmetic products are full of plastic
Fibers from synthetic clothing disastrous for mankind and the oceans
There’s a One-in-Four Chance the Fish You Just Ordered Contains Plastic
Plastic is Killing the Planet and Our Health - Here’s How We Can Turn the Tide
Plastic pollution does not respect international boundaries. Learn more.
While recycling may help a little bit – it is not the answer. The recycling scheme was designed by the Plastic industry to take the responsibility off them and put it on the consumer.
"Biodegradable" plastic may “break down” in one or two years instead of ten or a hundred, but that doesn’t make a difference to an animal who eats it today.
Additives in plastic have been shown to contain many endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Do we want those toxic ocean plastics leaching into our skin pores?